Septic tank pumping is needed on a regular basis in most areas. If the septic tank becomes clogged, or causes any other issues with the pumping, then the entire system can fail and have major ramifications for the home. A professional company will be able to determine if the system is in need of pumping and what the cause is. The pumping process is usually a long, drawn out process that takes many weekends and months to complete. This allows time for repairs to be made to the tanks and other components, as well as adequate drying time before restarting the process.
A septic tank contains millions of gallons of wastewater, along with debris and various pathogens. The wastewater is normally discharged into the ground water system by a manhole, storm drain or other type of sewer line. The wastewater and sludge in a septic tank may contain any number of contaminants, from grease, oils and grease products, to raw sewage, and/or bacterial or fungi. There can also be organic matter in the waste, such as fertilizer, human waste, or sewage. All of these things can degrade and leach into the water table, causing damage to the water system and environment.
Pumping a septic tank can help to reduce the build up of solid waste, which can lead to flooding. When the solids buildup in the tank, they will block the flow of liquid or the exit of solid waste into the drainage field. In addition to creating environmental problems, the solids in the tank can also cause health problems for residents of the dwelling. Many people do not like to think about the possibility that they might be dealing with such a problem in their home, but it is a very real possibility and can be the cause of sickness or even disease. There are also biological hazards in the solid wastes, such as those caused by biological contamination of sewers or storm water run-off.
Pumping a septic tank does not have to be done on a regular basis; however, it is a good idea to pump the system every two to three years. Of course, this depends on how large your system is, and how much waste it contains. If you find that the system is not draining the waste product completely out, then it may be time to pump the tank. You should plan on spending about ten to fifteen dollars per gallon of pumped water, although the costs may vary depending on the size of your septic system and the amount of liquid that needs to be pumped out. If your pump is working properly, then you should expect to spend no more than ten dollars per gallon.
During the septic tank pumping process, a pump is required to remove the sludge and scum from the bottom of the holding tank. This sludge and scum can build up to five feet in depth, depending on how large your holding tank is. It also contains various bacteria and fungi, some of which are harmful to your property. The bacteria and fungi break down organic matter such as leaves, wood, paper, food scraps and animal feces, which can cause odor problems and unpleasant taste and smell issues. Pumping the tank can also help dislodge any material that is compacted too deeply within the tank.
In order to prevent septic system failure, it is important to properly dispose of waste water produced by your household plumbing system. Always throw away any used feminine products or sanitary napkins that you have used on the toilet and bathroom floors, and always flush any toilet contents down the toilet. For sanitary reasons, it is best not to flush toilet paper down the toilet, and it is also best not to flush any water from a septic tank down the toilet or into the drain fields unless you have been instructed to do so by your local plumber or sewer contractor. Also, make sure that any puddles of water from a burst septic system are cleared promptly. Keeping these issues in mind can help keep your septic system working smoothly for years to come.